Monday, March 22, 2010

good to go.

3 As and 1 A-.

i am finally good to go.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

for you i would change the world

... but i cannot change myself.

haha. i love this. hilariously dramatic. by yours truly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

as much as you thought you did

i was thinking last quarter, while i was chatting with my sister, that there is a friend i have whom i am fond of, but i realize that i am friends with her because she thinks like my mother, really traditionally, family-oriented. and somehow i feel that i might gain something from talking to her so i can convince her that not everything should be forced into that traditional view, because that traditional view isn't the only "right" option out there.

but then it makes me realize how much i don't like her.

sad huh? when you realize you actually don't like your best friend as much as you thought you did.

(i have to update this thing. i haven't been penned up all my life this last quarter. just some of it. and the rest of the time. i got out pretty good.)