it's my birthday!
and i am finally 21. woot. (i guess. more on that later.)
I had some very sweet friends who prepared a surprise for me. It's kinda funny how they just threw it all together. Tuesday, after class, Jenny wanted to have dinner with me because she couldn't make it Thursday. So I visited her apartment and we figured out which ingredients she had that we could mix with mine.
Later that night, Jenny came over and we made pasta! With my one zucchini and her mushrooms.
We made this!
Anyway, we spent the rest of the night trying to do hw, getting distracted, and then getting frustrated that we have to search for articles with so many constraints for endocrinology. Whew. Took us seriously two hours to find two articles for us to use. After that, we took a break and cut up some fruit to eat and then we talked about sex slavery and rape. Of course we did. Haha. (Jenny was really involved in One Voice, and I saw the movie Taken over break.)
Then around 11:30, I started getting this slight headache and decided it was time for me to hit the hay since I was really pooped and I was still in the process of fixing my sleep schedule. I knew that Jenny didn't exactly have a very nice place to study because she has a roommate and she tends to end up socializing when she's at home, so I told her she could definitely stay here to study if she wanted to, or even sleep over if she felt so inclined. Then Jenny started begging me to stay up and study for another 30 minutes. I told her I wasn't interested in staying up for my birthday cuz I wasn't that excited for it. Haha. Jenny looked so dissapointed so then I asked her if she wanted me to keep studying because she felt we didn't accomplish enough tonight (that made me a little sad). And she responded "no....",
then it dawned on me. "Oh right, crap, Jenny did you plan something for me?" Jenny: "nooo!...... somebody else did....." Me: "Ah! Uhm. Well I really do have a headache, so I will go to sleep, but you can just wake me up when they get here..." Jenny: "I've got permission right?" "Yeah Jenny, you have my permission..."
So I fell asleep. I slightly came back to consciousness a few times, enough to hear Jenny on the phone mentioning that I went to bed, hear the door open and close, and then, I started to here these little "thumps". It was kinda weird. Thump, Thump.... Thump thump thump. I was seriously wondering what Jenny was doing out there.
Then Jenny came to wake me up for real. And she did this by exclaiming "HE'S HERE!!" (who? rain? or my gay husband from yale?) And I go out to see this cute cake lit up with the 2 and 1 candles and a few black haired head bobbing up and down behind the counter. And then out popped Barbara, Alan, Chang and Emily! It was quite adorable. Barbara had gotten me a balloon, nice magenta bright flowers, the cake and a bottle of Barefoot white wine. They all said it was sweet, but seriously, for me, I wasn't too sure.
Oh right, and all those little "thump" sounds, were the sounds of them looking through my kitchen trying to find the matches because they had forgotten to bring some. Haha. Oh and then they also forgot to bring a wine corkscrew and Jenny and Chang ended up going to other people's apartments in the building looking for a wine corkscrew. Haha, at 12:50 am. Woot!
Emily also gave me some very nice trinkets. Emily got me a very beautiful green and gold scarf from Spain! It's gorgeous. And a very nice bracelet from some place called Rostro, that I would have guessed meant face, but apparently meant "stain" more specifically, the blood stains from the meat market that was next door. How romantic right? haha.
We actually took a lot of pictures, but they were all on Jenny's camera, and I haven't claimed them from her yet. =\
And so, that was how I was surprised on my birthday. (: