Friday, February 5, 2010

lop off

yay! my hell weeks are finally over. two midterms, two presentations, then two more midterms are now over! and the good news? i don't think i did too shabbily. first midterm i got 90, second midterm i got 98. and according to my ta from endo, i'm not doing too bad with the first half of grading!

anyway. after endo, john and i endeavored to make the most ultimate cheesecake. okay maybe not most ultimate. but pretty ultimate. :P cappuccino fudge cheesecake. recipe is here.

we actually split it into three. because john didn't want to use a spring form, and i ended up really liking the idea of putting it into three 1 inch cake pans (HAHA! I got to take one home! woot!) however, i'd really like to go out and buy a springform and try it out! i don't think the cheesecake layer came out thick enough, although the ganache layer was definitely thick. :P i wish i knew how to reduce the sour cream layer better, it seems so... drippy. i really liked it thick the one time i had it.

Anyway. I also got bored and decided to braid a giant headband braid starting upside down from my left ear. the first two and half inches don't look too great because my hair doesn't like bending that way. oh well. i'm not going out with this anyway. just testing. but the rest of the braid looked nice! and then i just pinned it right above my left ear right where i started and tucked the end under the braid. i did half a french braid, half real braid, so it was easy to tuck in..

I guess you still sorta see it there, but oh well. from the front it looks fine. heh. i really have to figure out a way to hide the pins a bit better. fortunately, my hair is JUST the right length for this to work. it's going to be sad when i chop it all off again.. i think i'll do that over spring break or at the beginning of spring quarter. it's not quite long enough for me to lop off to donate again...