Thursday, May 6, 2010

delicious giant golden mushrooms

made oatmeal pancakes with chocolate chips for brunch today with chang and jenny. too bad they weren't in the picture with me. the oatmeal pancakes were pretty tasty though. used smitten kitchen's recipe.

(please note the overripe banana begging to be used in something...)

Visited the lakeside with Greg this last weekend. We look pretty happy, too bad I'm sporting a double chin. eh. oh well. we had fun playing the ukulele there. OH! Greg bought me a ukulele, it's pretty cute and petite and really easy to play (lots easier than guitar because the strings are easier on your fingers than the guitar metal strings). i can play all the four chord songs. :P and i know the first three chords to "a whole new world" too bad you need like... at least six more chords to play the whole song right... my repertoire of songs is pretty limited, just "i'm yours", the song from music and lyrics and i'm trying to perfect the four chords for "hey soul sister" which actually are the same chords as the ones for "don't stop believing". ukulele + greg + lake side + camera = fun + tired fingers + too many pictures...

Also made some rum cake with Jenny. They tasted so much like alcohol though! lots more than I had expected, and I definitely let the rum boil for a long time to try to take away the alcoholic-ness of the syrup. Anyway, ended up not using all the syrup and just eating the cake as it was. It was pretty tasty. Used the mini bundt pans that Greg got me a long time ago. I didn't expect the cake to rise this much (for some strange reason) and well they look like giant mushrooms. Delicious giant golden mushrooms.


Unknown said...

i lol'd at the "four chord songs" hehe

jessica said...

damn your kitchen is nice.