Friday, August 14, 2009

not sleeping, but dreaming


my life is so boring. that i have a blog about my dreams. because they are. quite literally. the most exciting things that happen to me.

so sad.

but yesterday. i was super bored. so instead of studying nephrons like i should be doing, i decided to visit stephenie meyer's website. where i read that she got her idea for twilight from a dream she had. and i was like. COOL. i could totally make movies out of my dreams. make them a little bit weirder, and yet at the same time more humanely possible. and then bam! my moneymaker.

and here. i will have a list of jobs/vocations/things i will do if i fail at life and don't make it as a doctor.
1) journalist. yes. so one of my close friends from highschool is doing this and she's amazing at it and although she talks about how boring it can become at times, i think i would enjoy this. and get a pretty interesting life experience out of it.
2) a children's book writer. i'll take anything! i'd love to write those short stories that make lasting impressions. don't think i'll ever forget the giving tree, or the bernstein bears, or curious george... and the list goes on forever...
3) the other children's book writer. i guess they might make this more "young adult" but i think they're still children. i loved anne of green gables, and all of philip pullman's books, and especially ender's game and of course the list goes on and on. now that harry potter and twilight are getting so much publicity, i would love to write a series of books about a world that i get to imagine up for entertainment's sake.
4) screenplay writer-- and this is where all my nightmares will finally come into play! although i must stay extremely stressed! yes indeed. as long as the stress is high, the nightmares get more interesting!

so the problem with the above list is I SUCK AT WRITING. i'm quite sure you all noticed that while reading this.

and here is the list of dream jobs that i will never get but will always want.
1) fashionista. HAHAHA. yeah. it's okay. just laugh it out. i know you will. i am by far one of the least fashionable people i know. for so many reasons. but hey! i think it would be totally awesome if i could spend my days looking of clothing and accessories and shoes. it's an artform that is always changing. i love the travelling and all the interesting findings included in this job.
2) the random, weird, but oh-so-necessary side kick. okay. so i'll totally admit it. i don't have the looks to ever be the star to my own movie. but heck i would love to be a sidekick. or a side character for comic relief.
3) an art dealer. hey. so along with fashion, i happen to really like art. i would love to spend my days at a museum looking at things, trying to find the history/story behind all of it. and i'd love seeing/finding new paintings and trying to determine the value of them.

of course there is more. but the nephrons are calling for me!

and yet despite lying in my bed for three hours, not falling asleep, imagining how awesome it would be if i could write really successful screenplays-- i also remembered all the reasons why i want to be a doctor.

for one, it simply wouldn't be that fulfilling to me to be a fashionista or an art dealer, because, well, if i were ever on an airplane to milan, and the child next to me suddenly goes out cold, i'd hate myself for not being a doctor and not knowing how to save her. it just comes down to that. there is nothing more precious than a human life, and not knowing how to preserve it, well it really makes my life worthless to me.

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