Friday, August 14, 2009

time to stop dreaming... kinda

okay. so back to reality.

i think i should do this post on what i want for myself in the near future and far future. just so i have it down. and i don't forget, or get too bogged down on everything.

what i want next month:
1) to have done decently on the mcat (dr. green said 35- i'd love a 38)
2) to have started school on the right foot
3) to get some exercise and have a good sleep/work schedule

what i want for the school year:
1) to get that darned 3.75
2) to appeal and be successful-- if not, then to try med schools
3) to get a position at a hospital
4) to get a job that i will enjoy? (maaaybe?)
5) to go abroad--> this is the least likely since M got sick abroad and now my whole family is terrified of the idea.

what i want next year:
1) to start med school
2) to make some good study buddy friends
3) to have greg somewhere close by

what i want in the next few years:
1) to make it through med school
2) to get into a California residency program
3) to have greg somewhere close by
4) to be closer to my friends from home. i miss them. and i shouldn't have left california in the first place

after that-- i guess, family, blah blah blah. i personally don't think i'll ever be mature enough to have a kid. heh. but i do still want to host foster kids when i'm older and my biological kids--if they do exist-- are all in college and doing their own thing.

so on the biggest most important thing on my plate right now! mcats (: yay! (sigh)

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