Sunday, October 4, 2009

that's the last time i make it in the microwave.

so. this morning. i was making rice porridge in the microwave like i always do. you have to let it microwave in shorter and shorter increments of time otherwise it will boil over. i usually microwave the rice and hot water for 2 minutes. then stop and stir. then one more minute. stir, then one minute. stir. and then maybe 30 second intervals after that. you do this until it's all mushy and everything.

however, i am never quite patient enough. and always try to stretch it.

and of course, it overboiled. and before i could continue, i figured i should clean up the overboiled liquid so that ya know. it doesn't stick to the microwave. and i'm impatient, so i pick up the bowl while it's still warm. and seriously--- one second before i'm about to set it down, it falls out of hands, and hits the countertop (towel thankfully prevented the bowl from breaking) and the rice rebounded and spit itself all over the counter and the floor, and my hand. ):

i have a pretty bad burn now. on my hand. from the boiling rice. i've been keeping it on ice, with a wet paper towel for almost 9 hours now. i hope it doesn't blister =\

darn exploding rice. that's the last time i make it in the microwave.

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