Monday, January 18, 2010

i already started the count down

Went to Bob Chinn's for dinner. It is delicious. This is the only picture I have with all of us (sorta) in it. Martin, Michelle, Mom, Dad and me.

Who needs pictures of people when you could have pictures of these? Porterhouse 32 oz steak. Delicious. Too bad, we ate very little of it, because...

... the crab was too delicious looking to reach over...

Yup.. we got way too much food.

And after the dinner, we headed back to Evanston for some cake and raspberry beer.

I am trying really hard not to look pooped and unamused by the picture taking. I wish I didn't seem so unappreciative, but I guess I was stressed because I have midterms coming up and I really wished my mother wasn't trying to stay here indefinitely. She told Michelle she wasn't going to leave. (SIGH! THEY TOLD ME FEB 6th! I ALREADY STARTED THE COUNT DOWN.)

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