Wednesday, July 30, 2008

chocolate milk

forgive me for posting about my boyfriend....

but greg just told me that his boss gave him a cookie. a giant chocolate chunk cookie. and then he said "you can have it if you'd like. it looks yummy."

haha. i find it hilarious that he got a cookie and proceeded to think of giving it to me. that's so. first grade :P

anyway. i flashbacked and so. story time!

when i was in first grade. (imagine. little tee tee with french braids.) there was this white boy whom i think i was friends with. and one day. he bought me chocolate milk! it was so sweet-- except of course-- i was too young to know it. and instead of being grateful, i was blunt. "i don't like chocolate milk." i didn't even touch it! needless to say. white boy friend was very sad. and i remember watching his face drop from sheer excitement of giving me something that he obviously loved so much to downright disappointment with a touch of embarassment. boy, was i a heartbreaker :P

d'you guys have any similar stories? c'mon. i'm sure you do...

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