Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I don't really get myself either.

Wow. Three posts in a row. Sorry guys. I'm always trying to think of interesting things to post about, and well, I go very long without a single idea. And then BAM! I have four posts. Haha. Yeah. I actually do have a fourth one. But I'd rather work on that one at a time other than 4 am.

I think I'm improving? My posts are shorter! I think.. anyway...

The point of this post is tolerance. Ho, man. She's tackling something serious?!

Clicky Click

See for yourself. A middle school in Thailand built a transexual bathroom for all their little boys who think they should be girls. I'm pretty surprised that there such caring forward looking people out there. Those people in Thailand have it pretty good. I applaud you Thailand.

1 comment:

jessica said...

wow tiff...

3 posts in a row and then silence ><