Thursday, October 22, 2009

with red onions

so i went to quite a few office hours today. and it was kinda fun cuz i asked my cell bio prof a question and he thought it was a "really good question". so much that he said it twice. haha. suh-weet. i'm impressing my professor already!

so i'm still thinking about those boots. man. i would really like to get them. but given that i don't have a job or any sort of income. i don't think i will be. ): i guess i'll just wear the black boots i already have. they work. kinda. sigh.

so i came home, cooked up some red wine chicken, and made myself a quesadilla with red onions.

1 comment:

A nonny mouse said...

Oh god I am soooo hungry right now.

Good thing I have some dumplings in the freezer...