Monday, September 28, 2009

good cookies

i went shopping with greg yesterday. i t was fun. tresemme was giving free make overs. serious. hair, face, make up. it was pretty amazing. but. i didn't do it. it would have taken way too long and i wanted to spend the day with greg. well, as got some nice shampoo samples.

i bought myself a pastry blender from william sonoma. (: i'm pretty excited about it.

i made a friend at godiva. actually, i've been friends with her for a while. i see her every month (i know- it's sorta pathetic that i go every month-- but i want my free truffle!) and she went to california the last week of august, so i talked about california with her.

i also got a random free walnut chocolate chip cookie from double tree hotel. they were just giving them out near tresemme.

i think i'll make nestle tollhouse cookies like jesca suggested. (: happy 21st girl! i hope you have/had good cookies too!

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