Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i'm so nervous

why don't i start. by giving you guys some photos i neglected to add last time. here is my first attempt at chicken pot pie. it was delicious. it was perfect. and yet. the next two times i made it, it was horrible. sigh. beginner's luck. phooey.

i made crepes this morning. ham, cheese and corn. the first two were delicious. and then i got sick of them by the third one. oh well. at least my sister had a nice hot breakfast to eat. this picture actually is of my first attempt at crepes with greg. not the ones i had this morning. but they look similar enough.

now i am attempting my apple tart.

four hours later---

it doesn't look too bad!

although the bottom part of the pie crust was drenched with apple juice. i don't really know why =\ oh well. i tried to have my sister have some fun by helping roll out the dough. but she was too forceful and it cracked the dough in quite a few places. so that might be why.

i've been trying to run every night for the last three nights. so it would be awesome if i could keep it up. well off to clean up my room and start reading for the school year. i'm so nervous.

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