Wednesday, September 16, 2009


i am pretty excited

i made crepes twice in the last week. i made mainly savory crepes with greg, cheese and ham, chicken and scrambled eggs, and onions. and then i made sweet crepes for barbara, monisha, mike, alex, zach and michael. that was fun. my world market hazelnut spread was decimated after that though.

today was very exciting. last night i made pie crust dough, and today i made chicken pot pie in my little ramekins. they're too small though ): annie had one and a half. i definitely overfilled them. i don't know how to affix the pie crust to the ramekin though, because even though i made a venting hole, the chicken gravy overflowed a lot over the sides, and my crusts were like pot lids that rattle when the water is boiling. but the crusts were definitely nice and flaky, even though i used margarine instead of butter or shortening. i was very very pleased.

the next thing i would love to try is making almond croissants. my family loves them, but it is sorta annoying to have to drive so far (porto's or la vie en france in costa mesa) to get some good filled croissants. once i get that down, then we can tweak the recipe to not be so sweet, and to have just the right amount of filling. i'll be so excited!

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