Tuesday, September 29, 2009

simply hazelnut crepes

i dub this. crepe tsunami!

i made more crepes for lunch. and then i decided i'd make extra for dinner. and then i was like. heck. i'll make some for lunch tomorrow. i have to bring lunch anyway. and so. i have 13 crepes on the counter right now. and two in my tummy :P
i'd say three is enough for a meal right? that means i get one more. i thought i'd make it a dessert one. but i don't really know what to put in it. the bananas are for annie's breakfast... and i have chopped hazelnut spread. but the fuji apple is too delicious on it's own to waste for this. and the peaches are again annie's.

i guess i'll be having simply hazelnut crepes. (:

p.s. it's so much more fun to cook with music blaring :P granted-- it's disney. leave me alone (:

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