Wednesday, September 2, 2009

with toddlers falling in love instead of teenagers

well actually. i ended up trying to make porridge out of my failed rice. and it sorta worked.

but hey! we finished watching paris je t'aime.

i wish they could have developed the stories a bit more like love actually; but nope, each director had five minutes to give their take on love in paris. some of the stories were really sad, but most of them were heartwarming and intriguing.

i think my favorite scenes were when this bilingual boy was hitting on this american boy in french. heh. and the natalie portman scene with the really hot blind guy.

on that note. i'd really like to see ponyo. but i stupidly ruined it for myself by reading the imdb summary, which basically told me the ending. eh. so stupid. i read it all and then i was like -- oh wait. shoot! i wanted to watch it. oh well. i guess i'll wait for it to come out in video. for the most part-- it sounds a bit like the little mermaid. japanese style. and with toddlers falling in love instead of teenagers.

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