Wednesday, September 2, 2009

i think we're going out to dinner now

so everything for dinner seemed to fail today. well not everything. just key components.

i was going to make chicken and pasta and then make rice to go with some leftover chinese take out. unfortunately, my chicken was expired. and then my rice cooker decided to go kapoot.

thankfully (or maybe not...) i remembered that jesca always made rice on the stove! so i was like brilliant! i'll just switch it over and let it stew for a while.

sigh... unfortunately, there are too many different recipes online for how to cook rice. and i didn't know which one to follow. and this was further compounded by the fact that i always make a cup of white rice mixed with a cup of brown rice. and i only looked at white rice recipes. anyway! i left the top on, (and all the water measurements the same as the rice cooker water measurements) and then it was like-- over boiled. and then i took the top off, because it looked like there was too much water.

anyway. we let it boil with the top off for a longish period of time until the water seemed to go away, and then we realized the bottom was sticking. ):

i figured the rice was way overcooked. but then upon tasting it. ):

the brown rice was still pretty hard.

end result: no pasta and chicken, failed rice, and a hungry couple. i think we're going out to dinner now.

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