Thursday, September 24, 2009


i made fried rice for the first time!

i totally winged it. and i made a sort of non-scrambled scrambled egg. so it was all in one piece. i don't know what you call it. i then tried to stir fry the rice. but it was so stuck together. so my fried rice came out lumpy. i put a little soy sauce and actually added a tiny bit of sugar. and hondashi (: so i was hesitant to put any other flavorants. yup. then came the veggies, onions, peas and carrots and corn. and then i totally forgot the chicken. whoops. oh well. the chicken was flavored a totally different way so it wouldn't have fit in anyway.

i was pretty proud of myself. too bad i didn't have that much rice. and it was so lumpy.

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