Wednesday, November 18, 2009

balsamic vinegar makes everything taste italian and delicious.

i made waffles today and had a few friends over to watch Up. it was exciting because one of the boys' names is kevin. haha. i love it. i always think of that darned bird whenever i say kevin.

waffles were good. so good, i forgot to take pictures of them. i think i have the waffles perfected now! yay! :D it's all about being patient and waiting for them to be ready.

this friday we're doing a "iron chef: pumpkin" competition. i'm teamed with lulu, greg and chenfei. chenfei is lulu's boyfriend. and according to lulu, he can't do anything. greg might not be able to come on time. so i don't know what we'll do. hah. we might be a two women team. oh well. :P

i think i'll make pumpkin gnocchi, the recipes online seem pretty easy. and putting balsamic vinegar over things seems to make everything taste italian and delicious. (:

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