Thursday, November 5, 2009

perfect circles and mrs. lien

on the way to the library. i'm in the shadow of a building behind me. but you can see that it is a very nice bright day. (:

see that building behind all those trees? that's the main library. why do they have to make it so hard to get to the main library?

Enigma Cafe had some pretty funny artwork. I guess they were trying to make graffiti into art, which in my opinion, is way tacky: that's like so ten years ago. haha. anyway. I still liked the circle painting. I like the juxtaposition of white and black. And how round the white circle is. dude. i don't think it is stenciled, but dude, that is like a perfect circle. The only person I knew who could draw a nice big perfect circle without a stencil was Mrs. Lien from DBHS.

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