Thursday, November 19, 2009


i have this theory. that even if you have the most mundane life. you can use your imagination and make it quite interesting. just by manipulating your own experiences, and showing your own view.


then i read melody's blog.


1 comment:

A nonny mouse said...

LOL my life (work-wise) really isn't that interesting. Celebs are for the most part quite lame.

HOWEVER, the event I covered last night that I blogged about had this "talent gifting lounge" and I got sooooo much free shit! We're gonna have to comb through it all when y'all come back :D:D:D:D

And oh man, the interesting part of my life is after work...I went to this bar in downtown last night, and it was CRAZY. These two guys picked up me Kristin and Kari, and one took a special liking to me and wouldn't stop buying me drinks. I was soooo schwasted! Oh, and they were Korean. And 35, no joke. And in our drunken state, Kari and I gave them our real phone numbers LOL.